
Last updated: 08/08/2023

Android studio

Download Android studio

To use this project you need to download the android studio on your computer first you need to visit this link (click button bellow) then click the button "DOWNLOAD ANDROID STUDIO" to get the righ version for your system

Download Android studio

Open Project in Android studio

Now you need to open the Android Application on Android Studio . Unzip Project Folder > Open an Existing Android Studio Project > Select Your Project > ok.

Config Android Project

After Download , install and open the project on Android Studio , now you need to config your source code and make it ready by change package name config firebase config facebook ....

Change the package name

Every Android Application on Google Play has a unique package name (unique id) , for this application too we need to use a unique package name , for that you need to choose a unique package name (ApplicationId) with three part for example : com.companyname.appname , now to change you package name follow the steps :

Now open your build.gradle (Usually 'app' or 'mobile'). Update the applicationId to your Package Name and Sync Gradle, if it hasn't already been updated automatically. NOTE: When renaming com in Android Studio, it might give a warning. In such case, select Rename All :

Please note

  • The only special characters allowed on package name its underscore
  • Don't change the "com" part on package name
  • Google will not allow you to change the package name after publish the app on google play

Firebase Configuration

After Change package name now you need to config the firebase (firebase its a google service used to send notification and to allow the application login with google accounts)

use the commande bellow to generate the sha1 key :
keytool -exportcert -list -v \-alias <your-key-name> -keystore <path-to-production-keystore>
After creating the app on Firebase, sync the project by putting the Json file in the right folder.

After this, you have to make some changes in your Firebase Remote config which are shown below

use keys for instant ads id changes without release new version:
Adshow: true 

Make sure that: you need to make changes in remote_config_defaults InSaver-Reels-Story-Video\app\src\main\res\xml

Please note

  • Don't try to generate APK without config firebase
  • Don't try To sync the project without config firebase

Onesignal Configuration

After config Firebase now you need to config the Onesignal. visit the docs.

Onesignal Android SDK Setup

To finish onesignal configuration you should add firebase Legacy server key to your onesignal
go to firebase > your project settinggs > Cloud Messaging and copy the Legacy server key (check screenshot bellow)

To change the onesignal id find the path (check screenshot bellow).

Android Application Customization

After config everything now you app need a customization to take your touch like title,icon,colors ....

Change the application name

To change the application name
Go to :

Android App>res>values>strings.xml
And change the application name there :
<string name="app_name">Your App Name </string>

Change the application colors

To change the application colors(Day\Night Theme)
Go to :

Android App>res>values>colors.xml
Android App>res>values-night>colors.xml
And change the application colors like this :

<color name="colorPrimaryDark">#dddee3</color>
<color name="colorPrimary">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="colorPrimaryDarkMenu">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="colorPrimarybg">#dddee3</color>

<color name="primary_text">#212121</color>

<color name="colorAccent">#212121</color>
<color name="white">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="light_white">#d4d4d4</color>
<color name="red">#FF0000</color>
<color name="blue">#2196F3</color>
<color name="black">#000000</color>
<color name="gray_color">#ccc</color>
<color name="black_overlay">#66000000</color>
<color name="primary_text_light">#606060</color>
<color name="transparent">#00000000</color>
<color name="dark_gray">#9c9c9c</color>
<array name="dot_colors">

Change Facebook Placement IDs/admob Ids

To change the All Facebook Placement IDs/Admob Ids from Strings >

change the adCounter & adDisplayCounter to show or Limit of interstitialAd

Change the policy privacy

To Change the policy privacy Text Edit in Strings

Change the Slider Images

To Change the Slider Images Edit in

String slider = "{\"images\":[{\"url\":\"\"},{\"url\":\"\"},{\"url\":\"\"},{\"url\":\"\"},{\"url\":\"\"},{\"url\":\"\"},{\"url\":\"\"},{\"url\":\"\"},{\"url\":\"\"}]}";

Change the SharedPefrence

Change the SharedPefrence Text Edit in InSaver-Reels-Story-Video\app\src\main\java\com\banrossyn\post\story\downloader\util\

Change the Hide interstitialAd reword system

Change the reword string and boolean values in InSaver-Reels-Story-Video\app\src\main\java\com\banrossyn\post\story\downloader\util\

Naver make change:

Please do not change anything at these places in the app, otherwise you may face problems.
folders: api, data, model, room_data

InSaver: Reels , Story & Video

Thank you for purchasing our app. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to via whatsapp or email. Thanks you so much!

whatsapp: +919694260426